Yash Yeola

December 2023 Hire

Hello, I’m Yash Yeola and I joined Butterfly Data as a Data Consultant in December 2023. I’m excited to share my journey and accomplishments during my first six months here.

Starting My Role
As a Data Consultant I was responsible for delivering analysis and modelling on data to meet key stakeholder requirements. From day one, I focused on improving my data manipulation skills by learning the SAS programming language and improving my understanding of data management principles. I have also had the chance to interact with numerous stakeholders and hone my communication skills. The company fosters a positive and inclusive culture which has made the process of settling in and training to master my responsibilities, much easier.

Key Achievements
In my first six months, I’ve been fortunate to successfully develop and lead a part of a project in an agile fashion as well as take on important responsibilities within the Butterfly Data community. Here are some highlights:

  • Led the development of a machine learning model which predicted job seeker outcomes. I particularly enjoyed the regular touch points with the stakeholders where I was able to communicate my findings and get valuable feedback to improve the model.

  • Created a Testing Framework and supporting documentation in SAS. This framework standardises and automates the testing process we currently use in the SAS programming language. I made it easy to use to encourage more developers to create unit tests while coding. 

  • Became a team wrangler. A wrangler is tasked with organising team building events for their team. This a great achievement for me since it signifies fully becoming part of the Butterfly Data community. 

Challenges and Solutions
Transitioning from university into my first job role came with its challenges. I had experienced most of my university through COVID with remote working, so regularly attending the workplace was a new experience. I had also not used the SAS language before, so I required some time getting to grips implementing solutions in SAS. I found that all my colleagues were very approachable so I could quiz them whenever I was stuck on a problem. Even though we weren’t all in the same room, I felt a strong sense of unity.

Learning and Development
These first six months have been a period of significant learning and growth. I’ve developed many technical skills related to the data life cycle and data science. These include data quality with SAS, data engineering with SQL, predictive modelling and analysis in Python and R. I have also had the opportunity to refine my soft skills including key storytelling and communication skills through presenting to stakeholders. Experiencing a variety of different projects has improved my problem solving and adaptability skills making me a more well-rounded consultant; I’d recommend others to try this out too!

Looking Ahead
As I move forward, I am excited about getting involved with ML projects especially where I apply Generative AI techniques for real world problem solving. My goals include improving my data storytelling ability as well as promoting company values through my job as wrangler. I am committed to learning and staying on top of industry trends and sharing this knowledge within the Butterfly Data community. 

Advice for New Joiners
Reflecting on my experience, I would advise new hires to embrace a learning mindset and engage with a multitude of projects whether that’s during the initial ideation phase or the delivery. My journey has reinforced my determination to continue learning since innovation is a major part of being a consultant.  

My first six months at Butterfly Data have been incredibly rewarding. I am grateful for the opportunities I’ve had and look forward to continuing to contribute to our team’s success. Thank you for taking the time to read about my journey.

Butterfly Data | Graduate Programme


Butterfly Data | Graduate Programme ·