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Hackolade - Another View of Data Management
As a team that takes on data management problems, one of the things that we consistently do is adapt and adjust dynamically to different data scenarios…
Why Generative AI May Not Be All Good
If you have been on the internet at all since 2022 you will almost certainly have heard of generative AI tools and large language models (LLMs) such as ChatGPT…
Butterfly Data is a B Corp™
We wanted to share some exciting news on an effort we have been working towards in the background for a little while now, we are now officially a B Corp!
How to Import JSON into SAS without the LIBNAME Statement
For users running SAS 9.4 maintenance release 4 or later, the LIBNAME JSON engine is a great feature that allows JSON data to be read into SAS with only a few lines of code. For those without access to the JSON engine…
Dashboarding: How to Begin?
A data quality dashboard can be a very useful tool for displaying the state of your organisation’s data, but if these are not approached and designed correctly then they can become confusing and frustrating for your users…
Unlocking the Power of Data Analytics in Healthcare Finance - Part 2
Innovative models are now allowing health care organisations to drive cost reductions and create personalised treatment plans in ways which wouldn’t have been possible, even a few years ago…
Unlocking the Power of Data Analytics in Healthcare Finance - Part 1
At Butterfly Data, we truly believe that harnessing the power of data analytics has become essential for success in the healthcare industry…
The Recipe for Successful Strategy Days
What is the recipe for a successful strategy day? When you say ‘Strategy Day’, I wonder how many employees will groan and book a day off…
Overcoming Data Silos in Healthcare: The Path to Integrated Insights
Every healthcare organisation has access to vast amounts of data. These might range from patient records and health outcomes to data collections and health information…